Mad Woman

Where have I been?  Let’s put it this way, if AMC needed to cast for their award winning TV show  “Mad Men” (advertising agency from the 60’s) they’d just have to cast one person, your “moi-ness”, SFAR.

I have become an ad agency.  Who knew?  Me, who lives one exit from the world’s most popular mall and has been there exactly once in two years.  Me, who never wears jewelry, now has a Deluxe Jewelry Photographer’s Kit complete with “dazzler” bulb.  I’m not kidding.  I love photographing jewelry.  Just don’t ask me to wear it.  I’m a bit eccentric, of course.  And, I don’t think I could do this for someone I didn’t love (my cousin, Mary) which may restrict the pool for future clients.  Let me see how would this “meeting” go….”I’m sorry, I can’t work with you because frankly I’m not feelin’ the love.”

So, you see, I’ve got to work on a better business strategy.

I’ve became all the characters: creative director, art director, accounts manager, product photographer, copywriter, graphic designer, and buxom secretary.

Well, that last part needs props.

Here is a little video of the “stuff” that I’ve been doing.  Or, if you prefer to see the exact ads, you can go to a gallery on my website called, “Palm Beach Ads”. Its the first one when you go to  Most were published in print but some on web.

I am awaiting a UPS package of some more jewelry tomorrow and my dazzler bulb is all a twitter.

Cousin Mary sells fashion, too, and gifts of serious and whimsical varieties.

On my agenda is to write once weekly on Waving or Drowning, on the subject of creativity, which as many of you know, I consider a life saver in every sense of that word. Of course, I haven’t done one yet, but I’ll let you know when I turn the dazzler bulb off and stop procrastinating.  (PS.  I just wrote the first installment.  Thank you, Bill Murray.)

I am putting SFAR out to blog pasture, and it also coincides with my no longer having cable TV or a land line.  Yep, my hermit credentials are increasing by the hour.  What’s next, a cabin in Montana?

The only difference between me and the Unibomber these days is I have my hair done once a month.

Yep, the time has come.  But, I’m still going to visit all of you and your sites cuz Mad Woman may be mad but she is not crazy.  She knows that the only folks who probably thought this type of venture possible would have been you.

Creativity needs encouragement and I bow at the waist for all you have given me.

As my father (W1KKP were his call letters) would say in his sign-off to his ham radio worldwide buddies he’ d speak to every day…he’d say this into his large steel mesh microphone after each session of talking back and forth across the world.

“Over and Out. W-One-King-King-Peter.”

©Pat Coakley 2011