Have Mercy

Now I lay me down to sleep with Luis Melendez’s still life images in my head.

I came home from this exhibit at the MFA this afternoon  and opened the refrigerator and said, ” Let me at those grapes and bean sprouts and see what I can do!”

This is it and I’m going to use it for my image on Part II of “Fattiness”, started this morning but to be finished in the next couple of days.

But, for now, I post it as an excuse to tell you that I saw painting talent today that made me want to burst into tears or eat his canvas whole.

He died a pauper.

People, there is no justice in this world.  None.

Good night.

©Pat Coakley 2010


**select photographs from this blog and my wider archive are  available for purchase at www.patcoakley.com

15 comments on “Have Mercy”

  1. wow, this is fantastic

  2. you have turned your refridgerator into Cartier

  3. Your grapes and beansprouts are beautiful.

  4. Thank you, kseverny!! I just read you are chef (among so many other things) so I take this as a compliment from one who knows his grapes and sprouts!

  5. NKG, If so, It’s the only kind of jewelry that has ever interested me!

  6. Oh, Carol, you say the nicest things and the funniest…”let them eat stool samples” comes to mind!

  7. “Charity begins at home and justice begins next door.”

    Charles Dickens

  8. yes indeed the amazing gift of that painter resounds to this day. he was not the first or last to be blessed w/gifts, vision and tables of natures bounty and still not know the monetary rewards of success in his lifetime.
    the double image with variation, the two images dance with eachother, love what you are doing here.

  9. Those sprouty grapes are just fantastic! As for justice… it may have been stolen by that same group of grinches that got rid of Christmas, equity and peace. But then, if there were always justice, we might all become complacent.

  10. Had Melendez authored a blog, he might not have died a pauper.
    I’m curious to know if this gorgeous food series influences your purchases when you go to the market. Would you buy something that you might not consider eating because it would make a dramatic subject and then might lure you to try it?

  11. PR. Quotes from Charles Dickens!! I’m impressed.

  12. Oh, Tipota, did you see this exhibit??!! O, my. I like that these images may be having a “dialogue”. Grapespeak.

  13. Don, thanks and justice just got a bit closer here in Massachusetts, a blog in the pipeline.

  14. Bon Bon, I am laughing now! I’ll send you a photograph of my current refrigerator with three stalks of rhubarb that were the photo object last night but I’ve never eaten in my life nor know what to do with. But, at least, I know the name of it. I’ve bought things I have no clue as to what they are called until the cash register scanner tells me!

  15. no, haven’t been to see it yet, but it’s on my list for sure. i know the painter, he is/was brilliant-had seen his work a long time ago. yes, dialogue is the perfect word for what they are doing, love this series!

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